Saturday, September 15, 2012

Speed painting demo...

..ok, I agree... the title is a bit misleading.  This is actually an attempt at demonstrating how I start a an oil painting without use of visual aid or markings....  and more importantly an attempt to learn some tricks of technology....whew... I have been trying to figure out how to speed up the painting portion for a few hours and then whallaa... it actually isn't that difficult.  Hopefully the next video (which will be for a much appreciated and special gang of friends) will be WAAAY better!  ... you can check it out and see what you think.  *note- to prevent choking, eating while watching is not advised!  

1 comment:

Duane Romanell Photography said...

That's pretty cool. Always interested in the process an artist has to get from A to B (since every artist has one).