Thursday, December 15, 2011

... Down to the count....

SOLD....Spartanburg SC

....Is it possible that there could be just a little too much counting going on? ...feels like a bit much over here... but it is all good... My kids are counting the days until they are done with school... and how many days until Christmas of course!!

....I, on the other hand, am counting the days until my kickstarter project, An Affair Of The Art, is over... January 2nd is the big day... And with a bit more luck and some kind hearted souls I will be dreaming..and again counting, the days ahead.

....Don't get me wrong... I am thrilled at the thought of taking a first ever class...and with a sought after artist, none the less- , I am really looking forward to and waiting for the newest mystery to unfold.... what will I learn... and what will unfold? I am excited to get back to the studio and put all of this generosity to good use!
...My feelings have given me a bit of a shock, I would have thought that I would be drooling at the thought of actual attendance at the class and gosh, getting to see tons of fabulous galleries and works! -Afterall, it isn't often...well, it hasn't happened at all...that I would get an opportunity to work and fill my head to the brim for 2 weeks straight uninterrupted of such things like...'mom, can you make me a sandwich... or where are my socks?'

...And then there is the money count...will I make it or not... about 16 days left... and I know folks are tied up this time of year with Christmas and all... not exactly the best time of year to be doing a fundraiser- things get a little tight!

...If you looked at my kickstarter project, the donated amount will currently read 1926$ ...and only 42% raised... just so you understand we are closer than that... Thankfully I can report that the amount left is roughly 700 dollars to raise. The difference is due to direct donations and commissions towards my project, via snail mail and such... Shhh...don't tell anyone but I am secretly hoping that Santa spreads some magic to help me finish it off

I know he can do it... we have been in touch to set a few more paintings on Santa's sleigh... 'Boisterous Blossom' (left) will drop off in Spartanburg South Carolina and 'Minding Her Own' (lower right) will continue on to Miami Florida...... (click on the images to view full screen)

...Thank you to the kind folks who have supported my project, purchased my work @ ugallery this month... hopefully Santa has a few more on the sleigh before the Rudolph leads the way.... here is a good selection of artists/ work if you want to catch the latest sale ...though I have to say there are many more great artists/ works that are not on this list... to see them all go to the main collection page..
SOLD....Miami Florida

Thursday, December 8, 2011

...A Good Cap...


If you thought that I was referring to a good cap and how it would be fitting for this time of year, I would has been a bit chilly here. The good cap that I am referring to is just a few more small sales... always fits in right and never hurts this time of year.


Just for good measure, and to share with other artists who may want to know..(in particular, those that are thinking of submitting their work for review with Ugallery) I am happy to say that in my first full years time, slightly over by a few days, they have sold 25 of my some prints. To see the pieces that have sold with them, follow this link , or to see my available works, just click here...

I have had a few other good caps come my way this week... words can't express how happy I am , whether I make it or not... Thank you so much for all your help with my kickstarter project! The amount shown isn't actually the correct amount as I have had some donations come via the good old fashioned snail mail. The Fashionable Way :) .... Thank You again, for all the sharing and caring :)

Friday, November 25, 2011 much to be thankful for...

There are so many things to be thankful for, where to even start?

Of course there are things that I am more appreciative for, in a
spiritual and emotional sense, like my family and faith. Health,
warmth, and friends.

It can be so easy to get in a negative frame of mind when nothing
seems to go right. It is so much easier to not dwell on the negatives,
if we can remember to be thankful for the things that we should
be thankful of.

To put myself in a good frame of mine as I begin my day, physically,
a hot shower gets me off to a good start. There are many in this
advanced world of ours that can not even do that. How fortunate
we are, to have the warmth of a fire, and food to fill our tummy.

In relation to my work I am most thankful for those who have supported
me with words, be it kind, or even critical. Both have helped me to
learn and understand. Those who have 'signed' on the line, and purchased
work in the past have helped in financial ways.

With 38 days left in my kickstarter project I need to say a special thank you
to all who have helped in any way, to raise nearly $1530 raised (some has come
in the mail) and just $3000 left to go, it warms me to know that what
ever is meant to happen will. It isn't the end of the world if I am not able to
make it to the class in Scottsdale, AZ, either way, I have much to be
thankful for.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

...sometimes it just needs to be fun...

I have been feeling a bit worn out and overloaded having a flu bug of some sort that doesn't seem to want to shake... I know I should have likely just hung out in bed and did a little 'sleep it off'...but I know with the holidays coming I won't have as much time as I want to I headed into the studio for the weekend... I wasn't there the entire time, I don't sleep there... living close to home is handy...and with the school right across the street helps a ton, too. I also want to mention a huge thanks to all who have viewed, and even supported my kickstarter project... last I checked the funds raised are 28% closer to reaching the goal.. and about 43 days left or so... Off and on I catch myself dreaming about how grand it would be to actually go to a painting class...AND be able to study high end work...IN PERSON... for a whole TWO WEEKS!!! DREAM ....sigh.... :) I am all for taking the positive out of anything I can... so in the end...which ever way it goes..there will be good.

...and now for some of my weekend fun...... the 2 smaller paintings (oil on gallery wrap canvas) are approx 12 x 16 inch.... the tall painting, titled 'FRAMED', is 12 by 48 inches... gallery wrapped...oil painting.. can always click on any of the images to view full screen.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Recently Sold...

The following paintings were paintings that were recently sold...A HUGE Thank you to a few very kind individuals! for the record...I like to track where they are going so from left to to bottom.... Lamont, FL... United Kingdom,... United Kingdom,... Park Rapids, MN...Atlanta, GA....Texas...

For future use, it doesn't hurt to keep track of a few uplifting testimonials either.... (I love it when customers...or even those that browse leave those little comments on my blog...right on my gallery page @ Ugallery)

I too am an artist. An artist who admires works of many of my fellow artists. However, I like most artists are stingy with our cash because we usually like to eat and have a roof over our poor talented souls. So, when an artist makes an effort to pry open their wallet in order to purchase a piece of work from another living artist it must mean there is something special about the work and the artist. - I purchased Kayleen Horsma's 'A Good Cup' and was excited to have received it last week. Kayleen's style and compositions are in a class of their own, truly unique. The subject matter of Kayleen's paintings appear to be a snapshot of pensive repose with an undercurrent of unresolved emotion. Kayleen's use of the pure and unmuddied brush-stroke work exudes that ‘Less is more’. This artist has the gift of sublime understatement, a gift that few artists are privy to understand, much less able to master. I will cherish this fine piece of work always.
- W Luchsinger after purchasing work by Kayleen Horsma

If you havn't had a chance to check out my slide show and project... this is the link for 'An Affair Of The Art' at

Remember... you can always click on any image to view full screen.....

Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Art Affair... kickstarter...

I am running a bit of a fundraiser on a great site - Kickstarter.... Thought I would share just for fun. The last thing I want is for people to feel obligated to back my project, though if you would be so kind as to pass my project along I would so appreciate it. There is a slide show of my work as well as a video.....hope you will get a little entertainment out of it at the least :) ...this is the link

Going With The Flow .....lithograph print

'Going With The Flow' lithograph print hand signed (rolled in a tube) actual image size is approximate 12 and 3/4ths inch by 16 and 1/2 inches. (posting for my kickstarter project)


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

...A Flip Book.......

...just working on a little project and needed to host some pictures online... soon you will know...the rest of the story ... :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Her Own Tune.....

" Her Own Tune"
Oil on gallery wrap canvas...36 x 48 inches.. ready to hang.. Available at $1200- click on any of the images to enlarge.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Finish American Reporter.....

(the insert below is what was written
on the cover about my work..or click on
the picture for a closer view)

"Let It Ride" illustrates why Menahga,
Minnesota Kayleen Horsma is a
rising star in the Finish-American art
world. The painting is derived from a
photo that her father Chester took of his
siblings at his parents'- Jack and Edna
Ylitalo -farm in Wolf Lake, Minnesota.
Watch for a feature about Kayleen in an
upcoming issue.

Monday, October 3, 2011

...when the tire goes flat...

I have been working on a new project, as well as trying to keep up on what needs to be done at home, and finish up on some commissioned work...AND get some new work done, meanwhile...adding to the pot..being sick now for about 8 or 9 days.  We have had a flu and sinus bug going rampage at our house.  Now, is it a coincidence, or is there more to it?

My project has been forcing me to review where my artwork is taking me... and at times I get so frustrated that I feel like the air is being taken out of me.  Well, not literally, but I kind of liken it to the explanation.  I was trying to think how I would describe it, a few days ago, so people would understand.  My thought was that, if the air goes out of a tire, it doesn't quite go around and around.  It stops.  Then the metal part of the wheel gets all banged up and pretty soon all kinds of things go wrong.

So today my daughter calls from the school, she is sick.  I drive to town in our little but trusty subaru.  On the way there, things are going ok, except I noticed the car not driving quite the same.  It was pulling a little kind of going where it wanted to.  I kept it on the road.

I stopped by the sidewalk when I got uptown and some nice man told me I had a flat tire.  I of course then had to go fill it back up.    It isn't hissing... and appears to be staying in there just fine.

I am not sure if someone, or what let the air out of my tire, ... but I guess the moral of this story is...when your tire goes flat... just put a little more in.

As for the project... I will be sharing the goods on that soon... so stay tuned......

... close up of  'A Good Cup'... a 6 inch oil...sold today and is moving to Texas... 

Thursday, September 22, 2011


I seem to be having a problem loading my images so I am going to, until I figure it out, post links to my work..... Shades Of Blue is a 30 x 40 inch gallery wrap oil painting...ready to hang... 1.5 inches deep, sides are painted deep umber....

The piece will also be available, as well as a few other works of mine, this weekend during the annual studio arts tours that stretches from the Menahga area, Park Rapids, Nevis, and even Detroit Lakes. Maps are available at any of the studios, or downloadable at the PRLAC site on line... havn't been there yet, but heard on the radio. ( .... My work will be mingling in the great room with the old 16th and 17th century works at the Nemeth Art Center, previously known as the North County Museum of Arts...

You can view Shades Of Blue by clicking HERE

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Discerning Prudence available in print...

...Just thought I would share with you the first of limited edition prints... Discerning Prudence now available in various sizes view by following this link.... here ....

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

'Elusive' .....from this that.

From that...
'Elusive'.... gallery wrap oil original painting 1.5 inches deep sides painted deep brown...36x 48 inches.../ 91.4 cm x 121.9 cm x 3.8 cm deep ...should post on Thursday at Ugallery retail $1200-
Of the 4 is the beginning stage..3 are on any image to zoom to full screen.
SOLD ...(Singapore)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

...A field of dreams progress....

... A few paintings in progress to share... and a link to my newest piece @ Ugallery... Feminine Mystique .... or if you want to get to the front page with all of the goodies and collections... follow this link :)

A Field Of Dreams is roughly 12 by 36 inches... gallery wrap on canvas oil - in progress... The young lady with the red hair is also in progress... roughly 36 by 50 inch oil on gallery wrap canvas...

...Click on any image to get a full size zoom ... enjoy :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mystique of Midsummer...

...24 inch oil on gallery wrap canvas... click on the images to zoom..........'Mystique'.... still wet, can be viewed during the Midsummer Celebration (this coming weekend)- I will be open on Friday in the early afternoon and likely there up into the evening... (the little miss contest at the school starts at 7) ...Saturday I will be with the guild uptown during the Art show from 9 to 4.... I will be open for a few hours starting at 4.:30 . If you see the lights on... take it as a good sign that I am there ....feel free to stop in and take a peek... My studio is faces the beach parking lot...(just off of 71) cell is 218-639-2251... I live close by and can easily open for your convenience....

Saturday, June 25, 2011


...Thought I would take you along to see a bit of my studio...
While I was loading up these pictures I was reminded of how nice it is to have my OWN space. I know. I worked at the table for many years... or maybe we were just eating on my easel?

...I remember when I was a tad bit younger liking space.... seems that I have always had a bit of an issue with that sort of thing, come to think of it. This may come as a bit of a shock to you, but I SOOO badly wanted to have my own bathroom...

...At least one of my sisters liked space too.. though she didn't really appreciate that I liked her space... especially when we set up our play house in her closet. It was a perfect size.. had our own window, kitchen, and all.. no bathroom, but that didn't really matter.

...and there is one more story that is kind of humorous now that I am reminded of space. I was sponsored by the local Coop as a midsummer queen candidate. We were given a list of questions to prepare to answer on stage. One of the questions was, 'What are the pros and cons of being from a large family?' ... WAAAY too obvious... I would never be asked that one. Right. So I walk the walk, and wait prepared for the big question. Right? .... Well, what is a person supposed to do, but be honest and give a very queenly styled answer...'The cons are that If you live in a small home there might not be enough room, and the pros are that if you do, you learn to cooperate quickly.'
The audience was a bit more entertained than I had intended.

Needless to say, I am thankful to have some space.

I think my kids are too. Although, Owen, my 7 year old- just today asked about the meetings that I go to... 'Why do you have so many meetings? Do you go have a meeting with yourself, huh?' (I had met with a reporter and his wife from the Finish American Reporter this morning at the studio.)

I can be reached by cell at 218-639-2251 for one of those meetings that I have with myself :)
....right off of HWY 71 in Menahga, MN

(** paintings on the easels are in progress)