Thursday, September 16, 2010

Article in Grand Rapids Press.......(pleasant suprise!)

.......Grand Rapids Press article........was reading an Artprize Article- ...and got toward the end of it ...and though someone was playing a trick on me...... THANK YOU GRAND RAPIDS PRESS!!!!

(clik on the title of this posting to get to the article)


Anonymous said...
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Kayleen Ylitalo-Horsma said...
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Anonymous said...

Stopped back to Bookmark your blog.
ArtPrize is great for people watching, I can only imagine for a painter it must be 'inspiring' to say the least. If you do decide to do that painting, I look forward to seeing it next year. I think it might get lots of ink from the local (GR) press. Take care and I'll be checking in often!

Kayleen Ylitalo-Horsma said...
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