Wednesday, October 27, 2010

...Time to catch up on Art Prize 2010.......the winner is....

Ok......this is going to take a bit of work.... I know, I should have been here sooner.....but I have just been wiped ......have classes on Wednesday evenings in Little Falls..... (thought I was done tonight.... but nope, next 3 in St. Cloud)......... I am going to start by stealing some pictures from a very lovely lady, Sayon Koumalinen ..... she is such a dear....... sister Audrey and Sayon came to visit for a few days...... thanks for the photos....... If you don't like it, hit Audrey on the head..... did I say that?........ sorry Audrey, I meant hit me on the head...... My sister Donelle came for a weekend also- which was fun, and a bit creative at times :) I also got lucky and was able to get together with Rachael Siltala, now Wattenhofer - (Raymond Wattenhofer's dtr in law..... I like to refer to him as a pot of gold :) ) ........ok for tonight I am going to load a few pics and chat a little about the fun........ the photos are the winning entry... a crosshatch pencil drawing- 'Cavalry' by Chris LaPorte ....

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