Sunday, November 20, 2011

...sometimes it just needs to be fun...

I have been feeling a bit worn out and overloaded having a flu bug of some sort that doesn't seem to want to shake... I know I should have likely just hung out in bed and did a little 'sleep it off'...but I know with the holidays coming I won't have as much time as I want to I headed into the studio for the weekend... I wasn't there the entire time, I don't sleep there... living close to home is handy...and with the school right across the street helps a ton, too. I also want to mention a huge thanks to all who have viewed, and even supported my kickstarter project... last I checked the funds raised are 28% closer to reaching the goal.. and about 43 days left or so... Off and on I catch myself dreaming about how grand it would be to actually go to a painting class...AND be able to study high end work...IN PERSON... for a whole TWO WEEKS!!! DREAM ....sigh.... :) I am all for taking the positive out of anything I can... so in the end...which ever way it goes..there will be good.

...and now for some of my weekend fun...... the 2 smaller paintings (oil on gallery wrap canvas) are approx 12 x 16 inch.... the tall painting, titled 'FRAMED', is 12 by 48 inches... gallery wrapped...oil painting.. can always click on any of the images to view full screen.

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